Western Diamondback Rattlesnake (Crotalus atrox). Due to its prolific nature, it is often overlooked. However, it is as common and widespread as it is because it is the perfect and most adaptable generalist species.
Indigo snakes present an interesting case study of shelter site use in a terrestrial snake because of the latitudinal differences apparent in indigo snake ecology.
Kirtland’s Snakes are perhaps most well-known for their microhabitat associations with burrowing crayfishes, where they traverse the aquatic-fossorial and predator-prey boundary in the dark, flooded underground labyrinths excavated by their crayfish hosts.
Eastern Diamond-backed Rattlesnakes are currently the focus of significant conservation concern. The species has been petitioned for federal listing under the U.S. Endangered Species Act, and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is currently working on a Species Status Assessment to inform the listing process.
Smooth Greensnakes are masters of camouflage in their natural habitat, but their future is uncertain as they navigate a world of declining insects and habitat loss. Learn about these secretive animals, what they are up against, and what you can do to help the species and their habitat.
Timber rattlesnakes are a species of conservation concern throughout much of their distribution. The reasons for this range from habitat loss to direct persecution.