By The Orianne Society Staff
As part of its newly created Citizen Science Program, The Orianne Society will be forming a database to collect location data on snakes across North America.
This database would be composed of data collected by you: citizens across the continent who encounter snakes in the wild. We would like to engage everyone interested in snake conservation; whether you are a professional herpetologist or someone that enjoys field herping for fun — we need your input!
As the database grows, we will be able to use this data to answer questions we have regarding species presence or absence, distribution, habitat use, and whether or not populations are changing over time. In addition, a database of this magnitude will help us track common species so that we can catch a decline before it gets too significant.
As citizen scientists, you will be the one supplying this information and you will help us determine how it is used; therefore, we would like your input on how you think the database should be set up, what types of information you would be willing to share, what you would expect from participating, and what information you feel should be kept confidential and not made available to the public.
This is your opportunity to make a difference in snake conservation — please participate by completing this brief survey: